Mar 27, 2007

Painting your canvas…

(*Removed this one from Nirvana and got it onto Psychedelic Flights! This one belongs here:-)

Written on 7th March '07

Holi was colourful and nice this year :-) It was a sweet family affair. We used these really nice dry colours to wish a very Happy Holi to everyone around. I loved the blue, red, green and yellow smeared on our faces and hair. We looked kinda cute:-)

I was always very scared of this festival and never participated in it. I remember hiding in the darkest and the innermost room in my ancestral house to save myself from being colored all black and blue when I was a child, just like my mother. I would cry when someone would colour us. My younger brothers would start preparing for Holi days in advance by buying pichkaaris, balloons and some crazy metallic colours. I still have visions of my own brother filling up balloons with colored water and then smearing black paint or something of the crazy sort on his hands and then running out in the streets. My grandfather would take us to the market to buy us the fanciest of pichkaaris. When I was in the hostel, I thought Holi was crazy, and I dreaded it all the more. I hated being chased by my friends so that they could smear me with keechad, eggs, polish and paint and me running around away from them screaming endlessly. I detested all of it.

Today, I love colours! They can be so beautiful and give one so much joy:-) They work as a brilliant analogy for me wherein I believe God has given us numerous colours for us to go and paint our life with it! And whoa! What a beautiful painting we can make…
The choice is ours :-)

The next thing that comes to my mind is Vitamins. I never thought of fruits, green vegetables, sprouts, protein rich foods and stuff like that. I mean they were a bit too boring and a bit too fresh for my taste. I never touched curd, salad, cheese and I almost hated the sight of fruits. Off late, I have been eating ice like it were some candy and have shamelessly been picking up on one cube after the other from almost all my drinks, much to the embarrassment of my friends. But ummmmmmm…..I just love the way it crackles in my mouth every time I bite on it. It’s heaven! Trust me, worth a try!

On Saturday, I learnt I am suffering from acute vitamin deficiency after I met a doctor, finally. I was feeling so weak in the past few days that I’d to skip work twice and had to decline every single invite that came my way. I am sure half my friends already think I’m being arrogant, but heck NO! I have been sick :( really really sick :-)

One of my best friends is moving to Delhi soon. I am SOOOO looking forward to it. And I am desperately waiting for the 8th to arrive; this mercury going retrograde is being such a pain: DDDD.

I was reading this book (don’t remember the name), it talked about comparing our entire life span with that of the universe. We appear like these blips and vanish into nothingness forever. We are completely insignificant in the entire evolution of the cosmic world. Yet, we spend our entire life worrying about trivial matters, acquiring the priciest of things, building complex webs, indulging in unnecessary battles of love, hatred and... the list is endless. I saw Tuesday’s with Morrie, and I was quite touched when Morrie says that if we all were to realise that someday we are going to die, we may want to live our life differently. We may want to adjust our values, ambitions, dreams, love, hate, people in our life, daily schedules etc etc. So true!!!! Isn't it????

So there, maybe we should all go refresh our dreams and paint it pretty :-)


Iris said...

Quicksilver! said...
Mercury is back!!!!!
*dances around the room*
and so is Iris!!!:))))))

March 08, 2007 2:00 PM

lemontree said...
nice optimistic post iris.... and tuesdays with morrie is out?? i really liked the book , and am looking forward to watching it...

March 12, 2007 12:21 PM

~IRIS~ said...
Thanks Quicksilver:-))))))))))
*And Iris jumps to join the dance*

And Lemon, welcome back:-))))))))
Where were you gurl?

March 21, 2007 12:21 PM

alex said...
I have read Tuesday's with Morrie also. I wonder when these films get released.

What was the movie title of narcissus and goldmund??

March 27, 2007 3:43 PM

Alex said...


"We are completely insignificant in the entire evolution of the cosmic world."

Only few people truly realise this.

"if we all were to realise that someday we are going to die, we may want to live our life differently"


Anonymous said...

*** if we all were to realise that someday we are going to die, we may want to live our life differently. We may want to adjust our values, ambitions, dreams, love, hate, people in our life, daily schedules etc etc. So true!!!! Isn't it???? *** darn true it is...

***What a beautiful painting we can make…
The choice is ours :-)***

but what if somebody ruins it and all of a sudden what you've got is a mess of colors?

Iris said...

Alex: :-)

DJ: Well, take it for granted, that every beautiful painting WILL be messed by someone or the other. Or so, will 'they' try! You may get a mess of colours, but rise up to the challenge... it will give depth and more meaning to your forever beautiful painting :-)

rohit malik said...

wonderful posts written with childlike enthusiasm! ;-)
we all have to did one day but still we....par akkal kahan aati hai? ;-)

Iris said...

Rohit: thanks:-)
The child in us never leaves, I guess.